“In de (Pendências)” | Visual Arts Exhibition

“In de (Pendências)” celebrates two hundred years of Brazil’s Independence through the eyes of thirty three artists. Including La Pamplona’s partners Revolue and André Renaud

The other artists selected for this exhibition are: Ben Barr, Denise Lima, Di Miranda, Dson Pereira, Duda Clementino, Edna Carla Stradioto, Eliana Engler, Fábio Sampaio, Fernanda Carvalho, Gildecio Costaeira, Gustavo Bissoli, Helen Wolf, Jean Lima, Jeannine Krischke , Jessica Dantas, Karol Coelho, Kerly Steinbach, Kim Ferreira, Lemuel Gandara, Lúcia Guaspari, Mara Rúbia Colli, Maria Dutra, Mário Soares, Patrícia Pinheiro, R. F. Bongarten, Randes Silva, Rejane Wagner, Rosangela Scheithauer, Telma Levy, Ticiana Parada.

Curator: Vanessa Noronha Tölle
Live music by Hamilton Luduvice

Photos: Kerly Steinbach

Vernissage: SEP 19, 2022 | 6:30 PM
Exhibition: SEP 20 – SEP 30 2022

Location: Jan Arnold Gallery – MQ, Q21 Showrooms, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna